(from Yelp.com)
If there was a way to give 10 stars to Dr. Massey I would!! Last June my roommate and dear friend began her first steps in a scary journey with Melanoma skin cancer. She was bounced from one specialist to another and was finally guided to Dr. Massey. This gentleman was calm, polite and exceptional in his treatment of my beloved friend. My friend is nervous by nature and was also going through the death of her significant other when she got the news that she would need surgery A.S.A.P. to remove the skin cancer on her face. She would need MOHS surgery and skin transplant for Melanoma in situ. Dr. Massey and his incredible team were sweet, warm and comforting professionals. From beginning to end!(There were multiple visits and procedures.) Dr. Massey answered all questions and helped keep my dear friend from panic by always smiling at her and offering encouragement. Going through this was far from easy but Dr. Massey got her through it. The scar and end result far exceeded our best hopes! She walks around with a beautiful smile and nothing but gratitude for her doctor. Dr. Massey comes HIGHLY recommended by this silly duo that went through this ordeal hand in hand! THANK YOU DR. MASSEY AND YOUR WONDERFUL TEAM!!!!!! YOU WERE ALL AMAZING!! We could not possibly be more grateful to you!!