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Chin/neck liposuction is a surgical procedure to contour the jawline and eliminate excess fat. This procedure eliminates the appearance of a “double chin.” A lot of individuals have unwanted fat in the chin and neck area, and chin/neck liposuction in Santa Monica can extract this fat to make the jawline more sculpted and defined.
Chin and neck liposuction can improve the shape of the chin/neck. The procedure removes excess fat and contours the chin and jawline, giving you a younger look and a more defined facial profile. Chin/neck liposuction is conducted to remove the appearance of a double chin caused by excess chin fat.
Ideal candidates for chin/neck liposuction are men and women who are bothered by fat deposits in the submental region (the area beneath the chin). You may undergo chin/neck liposuction if you want to get rid of excess submental fat that has not disappeared despite a healthy diet and consistent exercise.
The best chin/neck liposuction candidates are patients who worry about accumulated fat in the submental area caused by aging and genetics. You should have a positive outlook and realistic expectations.
Prior to the date of your chin/neck liposuction procedure, a consultation with Dr. Massey will allow you to ask questions, learn about the details of the surgery, and discuss your surgical goals. Dr. Massey will ensure that you understand the whole procedure and explain its overall impact to you.
During the chin/neck liposuction consultation in Santa Monica, Dr. Massey will have a chance to review your medical history and your current health. This meeting is an opportunity for Dr. Massey to ensure that the procedure is right for you.
Chin and neck liposuction require a local anesthetic to promote comfort and eliminate pain. The patient is awake during the procedure, and the tumescent liposuction process is very comfortable. Because no general anesthesia is required, many potential side effects are avoided.
The chin/neck liposuction procedure begins by making a small incision right underneath the chin. Through this incision, a cannula will be inserted into the chin. This small tube’s function is to suction out the excess fat from between the skin and the muscles. The suction process is smooth and extracts small amounts of fat for natural contouring.
After successfully removing the excess fat and sculpting the face, Dr. Massey will close the incision.
Following chin/neck liposuction, there will be minor swelling in your chin area. Dr. Massey will advise you to use a compression garment to help your jawline achieve its new shape and to minimize the swelling.
After chin/neck liposuction, it is best to keep your head elevated and to do light exercise to promote blood circulation. Dr. Massey will instruct you to rest as much as you can. You may return to your daily routine and your workplace one week after the surgery.
Because chin/neck liposuction is considered cosmetic surgery, health insurance will not cover the cost. Overall price varies depending on the type of anesthesia, post-surgical garment, medications, facility, amount of fat removed, and time required to perform the procedure in Santa Monica.
Schedule a private consultation with Dr. Massey to gain a better understanding of chin/neck liposuction in Santa Monica. Dr. Massey specializes in cosmetic liposuction and will be happy to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Contact us today to set up an appointment!
"Dr Massey, you are a rarity today and a fine representation of what a doctor should be… caring for the patient above all else. Thank you most deeply for your beautiful work on my nose. Thank you most especially for seeing me through a very traumatic experience with outstanding care, sensitivity and professionalism."
For Dr. Massey safety is the first priority with any surgery. He has personally performed hundreds of liposuction surgeries, and none of his patients has had any type of serious complication. Indeed in a recent study of over 15,000 patients treated with tumescent liposuction there was not a single serious complication.