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Bra Roll Liposuction

Buffalo HumpBra rolls, or pockets of fat over and under your bra strap, can be resolved with liposuction in Santa Monica. This procedure is a safe and permanent solution to correct unattractive bulging around the sides and back of your bra.

Since bra roll fat is dense, it is often harder to eliminate it through proper diet and exercise. Liposuction expert and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Ralph Massey can remove this unwanted fat to help you achieve more aesthetic contours.

What Is Bra Roll Liposuction?

Bra roll liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that targets fat around the bra area. Fat in this area is difficult to remove through exercise, and bra roll lipo is often the only effective treatment to eliminate it. Bra roll fat also tends to sag as part of the aging process, so fat removal in this area helps to restore a more youthful appearance.

How Does Bra Roll Liposuction Work?

Bra roll liposuction removes fat through a thin tube called a cannula that is inserted into the treatment area. This tube is connected to a vacuum which uses suction to extract fat cells around the bra area.

Dr. Massey is an award-winning surgeon with 20+ years of experience performing liposuction on his patients in Santa Monica, California.
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Am I a Good Candidate for Bra Roll Liposuction?

The best candidates for bra roll liposuction are patients who are unhappy with the appearance of excessive fat around the bra area. While liposuction may seem like a quick fix for removing fat, candidates must not have a body mass index (BMI) of over 30.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is not safe for people who are obese. Results are best when patients have firm, elastic skin, and good muscle tone.

Bra roll liposuction candidates should be non-smokers and in good physical health. Smokers and individuals with medical conditions that complicate wound-healing are at risk of excessive bleeding, blood clotting, and longer recovery periods.

Your Bra Roll Liposuction Consultation

A bra roll liposuction consultation involves a detailed conversation about your cosmetic goals. An assessment of surgical techniques that will be safe for your current situation will be provided to help you create realistic expectations. Be ready to provide your complete medical history to help Dr. Massey conduct a safe procedure that is aligned with your health.

Your Bra Roll Liposuction Session

At Dr. Massey’s practice in Santa Monica, bra roll liposuction patients undergo tumescent liposuction. To begin, you will be given medications to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure. For a safer and quicker recovery from liposuction, general anesthesia is not administered to Dr. Massey’s patients.

Next, small incisions will be made in the treatment area. The cannula will then be inserted under your skin.

The cannula is connected to a vacuum that will aid the suction process. An intravenous line will be connected to your hand or arm to replenish your bodily fluids during the liposuction procedure.

How Much Does Bra Roll Liposuction Cost?

The price of bra roll liposuction varies based on the amount of fat to be removed. Cost details will be provided to patients during their consultation.

Schedule Your Consultation to Learn More

To learn more about bra roll liposuction in Santa Monica, schedule a consultation with Dr. Massey. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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Patient Testimonials


"Dr Massey, you are a rarity today and a fine representation of what a doctor should be… caring for the patient above all else. Thank you most deeply for your beautiful work on my nose. Thank you most especially for seeing me through a very traumatic experience with outstanding care, sensitivity and professionalism."

-Suzanne B.

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Before & afters

For Dr. Massey safety is the first priority with any surgery. He has personally performed hundreds of liposuction surgeries, and none of his patients has had any type of serious complication. Indeed in a recent study of over 15,000 patients treated with tumescent liposuction there was not a single serious complication.

An image displaying the contrast between a woman's abdominal area prior to and following a tummy tuck surgery.
Visible change in a woman's tummy after undergoing liposuction, highlighting the effectiveness of the procedure.
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