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Fat Transfer FAQ

Is Fat Transfer Safe?

Fat transfer is a safe, non-invasive procedure. The incision is tiny and created only for the insertion of the cannula for fat harvesting and injection. With Dr. Ralph Massey’s expertise, the incision will be as inconspicuous as possible.

Where Can Fat Be Harvested?

The best areas for harvesting fat are where there is a reasonable amount of excess tissue. The common donor areas are the flanks, thighs, and abdomen. It is also important that the donor sites have not been previously suctioned, where scar tissue may have already developed. Areas with fibrous tissue, such as the male chest, may not be ideal donor areas.

How Long Does a Fat Transfer Procedure Last?

Depending on the complexity of your fat grafting procedure, the procedure can take between two to five hours. This includes harvesting, processing, and injection of fat. The length of time will also be impacted by the number of treatment sites.

What Kind of Anesthesia Is Used?

Local anesthesia is commonly administered during fat transfer procedures to preserve the vitality of the fat cells. General anesthesia may be administered for more complex treatments, involving larger volumes of fat to be transferred and areas to be treated.

How Many Sessions are Required?

Right after the first treatment, you will be able to observe visible results. However, succeeding sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. Additional sessions are spaced between six to twelve weeks.

Does Fat Transfer Leave Scars?

Scarring is minimal with a fat transfer procedure. The tiny incisions are very small and do not need to be closed using sutures. The scars will fade over time with proper aftercare.

How Is Fat Harvested?

Fat harvesting is done through liposuction. Liposuction entails the use of a tiny cannula inserted into the subcutaneous tissue to harvest small pockets of fat. Light suction is employed to prevent the destruction of the fat cells.

How Is Fat Processed?

Fat cells are washed with a special solution and mixed with antibiotics. Healthy cells are then separated from non-viable tissue. These are then loaded into syringes, making it easier to control and inject into the target areas.

Will I Require Touch-Ups?

About 80% of the injected fat will survive, while the other 20% may be absorbed by the body. You may require touch-ups if you want to build on the initial fat transfer treatment to achieve your goals.

How Long Before I See the Final Results?

Although the visible results are seen right away, the injected fat takes time to settle. Also, there are adult stem cells injected along with the viable fat cells. The stem cells continue to produce new fat cells for the first few months. It can take three to six months to see the final results of the fat transfer procedure.

Will I Lose the Injected Fat Over Time?

If you lose a significant amount of weight, there can be a chance that you will lose some of the grafted fat.

Patient Testimonials


"Dr Massey, you are a rarity today and a fine representation of what a doctor should be… caring for the patient above all else. Thank you most deeply for your beautiful work on my nose. Thank you most especially for seeing me through a very traumatic experience with outstanding care, sensitivity and professionalism."

-Suzanne B.

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Before & afters

For Dr. Massey safety is the first priority with any surgery. He has personally performed hundreds of liposuction surgeries, and none of his patients has had any type of serious complication. Indeed in a recent study of over 15,000 patients treated with tumescent liposuction there was not a single serious complication.

An image displaying the contrast between a woman's abdominal area prior to and following a tummy tuck surgery.
Visible change in a woman's tummy after undergoing liposuction, highlighting the effectiveness of the procedure.
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